A Commitment
To Faith
Formation and Social Justice
Faith formation at St. Helen is evident starting as early as preschool when students are introduced to the basic elements of their faith. They recite simple prayers and learn the sign of the cross. As students continue their journey through St. Helen, they deepen their faith and their relationship with God grows.

St. Helen has a family Mass on the first Sunday of each month. Our new Pastor, Rev. Claudio Diaz Jr., has made the celebration of the Mass incredibly inclusive and family friendly.
He invites students to actively participate in the mass by joining him on the altar, processing in and out of the church together and allowing students to serve as “peace ambassadors” during the sign of peace.

"St. Helen is a nice mix of ethnicity, religion, and philosophy."
While many schools focus on a student’s GPA, we like to think of our students as not only earning a grade point average, but also a character point average. One of our biggest measures of success is seeing kindness and compassion in our students. Each year our students participate in a variety of hands-on service projects that teaches them how blessed they are in their life. Select students receive monthly character awards which reinforces values that will last a lifetime. Each graduate of St. Helen has a solid moral compass that guides them through life.
Annual Service Projects
Women’s Center for Greater Chicagoland - Baby Bottle Fundraiser
Blessing Bags and other monthly service projects
Monthly Student Character Awards
Bi-Annual collection of food items for St. Aloysius Food Pantry